Robert Clevester Turner

Hello my name is Mr. Robert C. Turner, and I am 47 years old. I currently reside in Pollock, LA, USP (United States Penitentiary). I am a father of five adult children aging from 27 to 21 years old. I have been gracefully blessed to become a grandfather of seven wonderful, high-spirited, and beautiful grandchildren (four girls and three boys). I know they are a gift from God!
So with that said; I am a first time to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. I was sentenced to the feds with 510 months or 42 years. My armed bank robbery charges are false and I stand by my statement that I am innocent and I have a sworn affidavit on file stating this. I was convicted on two counts of Hobb-Act robberies of aiding and abiding and 924c “stacking” charges for robbery. This was my first felony and it broke down like this: 15 years for the crimes and 27 years for 924c “stacking” charges.
I am about fair justice and sentencing; however I do not believe it’s fair to receive 42 years for a costly, misguided, and unwise mistake. This is not justice! This is cruel and malicious unusual punishment by the misinterpreted sentencing guidelines that has been going on for over 20 some years. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!
I came into the federal system at 31 years old. I have lost my father at age 86 to Alzheimer’s disease. My mother has since been diagnosed with the same disease and is reportedly in her early stages of Alzheimer. April 20, 2009, my true “soul-mate” passed away from Breast Cancer and both sided of my grandparents are now deceased. I’ve lost a lot of close friends and a host of relatives while serving this sentence of 924c. This is time I can never recover.
I’m blessed and a survivor. I will not give up this fight for my freedom. There are so many other brothers and sisters with this 924c “stacking” situation; so I’m doing my best to aid and assist others on a fair sentencing implementation….the way it was intended to be. This is not another sob story, this is my life. I completed high school with a GPA of 3.l. I attended AMTEC- Technical School in which I am certified as a welder and blueprint reader. Since I’ve been incarcerated; I have completed a plethora of distant learning studies and received 76 certificates. I can also relate to the story in the Bible the book of Jonah.
We need your help in fighting this unjust statue. Mercy Me 924c is dedicated to keeping you informed onhow you may be of help.
Thank you for your time…Peace and Holy Love Brother Robert C. Turner
Hello my name is Mr. Robert C. Turner, and I am 47 years old. I currently reside in Pollock, LA, USP (United States Penitentiary). I am a father of five adult children aging from 27 to 21 years old. I have been gracefully blessed to become a grandfather of seven wonderful, high-spirited, and beautiful grandchildren (four girls and three boys). I know they are a gift from God!
So with that said; I am a first time to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. I was sentenced to the feds with 510 months or 42 years. My armed bank robbery charges are false and I stand by my statement that I am innocent and I have a sworn affidavit on file stating this. I was convicted on two counts of Hobb-Act robberies of aiding and abiding and 924c “stacking” charges for robbery. This was my first felony and it broke down like this: 15 years for the crimes and 27 years for 924c “stacking” charges.
I am about fair justice and sentencing; however I do not believe it’s fair to receive 42 years for a costly, misguided, and unwise mistake. This is not justice! This is cruel and malicious unusual punishment by the misinterpreted sentencing guidelines that has been going on for over 20 some years. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!
I came into the federal system at 31 years old. I have lost my father at age 86 to Alzheimer’s disease. My mother has since been diagnosed with the same disease and is reportedly in her early stages of Alzheimer. April 20, 2009, my true “soul-mate” passed away from Breast Cancer and both sided of my grandparents are now deceased. I’ve lost a lot of close friends and a host of relatives while serving this sentence of 924c. This is time I can never recover.
I’m blessed and a survivor. I will not give up this fight for my freedom. There are so many other brothers and sisters with this 924c “stacking” situation; so I’m doing my best to aid and assist others on a fair sentencing implementation….the way it was intended to be. This is not another sob story, this is my life. I completed high school with a GPA of 3.l. I attended AMTEC- Technical School in which I am certified as a welder and blueprint reader. Since I’ve been incarcerated; I have completed a plethora of distant learning studies and received 76 certificates. I can also relate to the story in the Bible the book of Jonah.
We need your help in fighting this unjust statue. Mercy Me 924c is dedicated to keeping you informed onhow you may be of help.
Thank you for your time…Peace and Holy Love Brother Robert C. Turner