Eric Bryant

My name is Sirlterall Eric Bryant, #83475-020. I reside in Pollock, LA, USP (United States Penitentiary). I was born in Brooklyn, New York. Shout out to B.K. and also Macon, Georgia also known as Mac-town. I’m 48 years young and I’m a victim of this heinous and draconian law, 924(c). This law allows a Federal Prosecutor to stack multiple 25 year sentences in one indictment and prosecuted them together in the same proceeding. My crimes involve a series of armed robberies of one Jewelry store and a Bank robbery. I was charged under the HOBBS ACT. I was 24 years old when I entered prison.
This is the equivalent of premeditated murder in my opinion. These sentences range into hundreds of years for an individual. I received 65 years (20 years for my crime and 45 years for stacking). All this was based on circumstantial evidence and the reliance of our justice system on the testimony of paid government informants.
We the People together can stop this genocide. I have been gone for 24 years at this present time. I have no children, and IF I don’t come home soon my bloodline will be wiped from the face of the earth! The losses that I and my comrades have suffered are immense. I’ve lost my mother and my only brother since being in prison.
You can help. Please be a part of this mission, MERCY ME 924(c). Be a part of change, everyone deserves a second chance. Support our movement!
*Eric Bryant, #83475-020 Profile.doc 7.11.15
My name is Sirlterall Eric Bryant, #83475-020. I reside in Pollock, LA, USP (United States Penitentiary). I was born in Brooklyn, New York. Shout out to B.K. and also Macon, Georgia also known as Mac-town. I’m 48 years young and I’m a victim of this heinous and draconian law, 924(c). This law allows a Federal Prosecutor to stack multiple 25 year sentences in one indictment and prosecuted them together in the same proceeding. My crimes involve a series of armed robberies of one Jewelry store and a Bank robbery. I was charged under the HOBBS ACT. I was 24 years old when I entered prison.
This is the equivalent of premeditated murder in my opinion. These sentences range into hundreds of years for an individual. I received 65 years (20 years for my crime and 45 years for stacking). All this was based on circumstantial evidence and the reliance of our justice system on the testimony of paid government informants.
We the People together can stop this genocide. I have been gone for 24 years at this present time. I have no children, and IF I don’t come home soon my bloodline will be wiped from the face of the earth! The losses that I and my comrades have suffered are immense. I’ve lost my mother and my only brother since being in prison.
You can help. Please be a part of this mission, MERCY ME 924(c). Be a part of change, everyone deserves a second chance. Support our movement!
*Eric Bryant, #83475-020 Profile.doc 7.11.15